Running: A Fever

RAF337: A Windy Place



This is the second episode I've made in recent times. I made one last week. On the trail, I mean -- I've been doing studio episodes for a while. But, fully back from the hiatus, we are doing our standard thing. I almost left home without my wallet and my water. I probably could have gotten by without them, but I guess you should have your license with you when you drive. So I got the wallet, and then I realized I didn't have water, and I needed to hydrate before and after. So I Mio-ized two bottles of water and put some ice in there because I didn't have any in the fridge. I used to keep a five-gallon jug of water with a tap on it in the fridge. I no longer do that. I just chill the water bottles; they take up a lot less space. I've been using the Mio Sport. I don't have any at home right now. But it's supposed to replace electrolytes like any sports drink does. Today, I just had Tang, which is a delicious orange drink that comes in the same format as Mio. It's liquid in a little bottle. You squirt some into