New Rules Podcast

Pace Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself: Maintaining Leadership to Avoid Burnout



In the realm of leadership, there's a profound beauty in understanding the fuel behind your passions and values. It goes beyond mere goal-setting, serving as a pathway to genuine clarity that sparks motivation and transforms dreams into reality.   As leaders, our responsibility extends beyond personal aspirations. It's about zeroing in on the passions and values that drive us, shaping a vision for the future. Setting standards that authentically reflect who we are, and then, with unwavering commitment, guiding our teams along the same path.   Join Adrian and Bri in Episode 33 as they delve deep into the crucial importance of Authentic Leadership. Discover how authenticity becomes the heartbeat that inspires trust, fosters cohesion, and ensures an unwavering commitment to shared goals.   This level of leadership demands transparent communication, a commitment to self-reflection, openness to constructive feedback, and a celebration of every success—no matter how small.   In this Episode, We Discuss: Leadershi