5 Minute Italian

39: A quick trick to remember Italian verbs



Italian verbs. There are lots of them, and they can pain to remember at first! But they’re not as hard as you think - you can make them easier to remember by organising them into logical groups. Learn to speak and understand Italian faster! To get bonus materials for this lesson, including transcripts and flashcards, head over to our website: http://joyoflanguages.com/easy-way-learn-italian-verbs/ Practice chatting Italian with Matteo and Katie in the private 5MI Facebook group. Request to join here: www.facebook.com/groups/1530878703636977/ Today's words Parlare = to speak Scrivere = to write Dormire = to sleep Parlo = I speak Scrivo = I write Dormo = I sleep Parli = you speak Scrivi = you write Dormi = you sleep Parliamo = we speak Scriviamo = we write Dormiamo = we sleep Arrivare = arrive Arrivo = I arrive Arrivo domani = I arrive tomorrow Arriviamo = we arrive Arriviamo domani = we arrive tomorrow Prendere = I take Prendo una pizza = I’ll have a pizza Prendi una pizza? = Are you having a pizza? Aprire = o