Dare to Find Your V*O*I*C*E

The Power of Tiny Habits: An Interview with Linda Fogg-Phillips



Linda is a master of helping others create habits. Linda has found that her purpose is to give people hope and evidence that they can change and that they can take the power into their own hands to create the life they want. Linda’s work focuses on behavior change and habit design. She has a masters degree in Health Promotion and Exercise Physiology. She is the Director of Tiny Habits® Academy which offers online courses that teach individuals and businesses how to create habits quickly and easily… without relying on willpower.  As the mother of eight children, Linda has had her own behavior change and habit design laboratory for 32 years. On this episode Linda shares with us the Tiny Habits® method.You can find Linda Fogg-Phillips on her website www.tinyhabitsacademy.org, Twitter: FamilyHealth360 &Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lindaphillips