Tuesday Breakfast

How to Talk About Gaza teach-in, Respect Rally, Palestinian resistance through the Sit-Intifada, local council support for Palestine, Palestinian musician YARA on music as activisim



Headlines// 7.15: An excerpt from an online teach-in from the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network called “How to talk about Gaza right now.” Presented by Emma on Women on the Line on Monday 11 December//7.30: Antoinette Braybrook, CEO of Djirra, speaking at the Respect Rally which took place on Friday 24th November at the Parliament steps in Naarm, marking the beginning of the UN 16 days of action calling for an end to violence against girls & women globally. Thanks to Annie from Solidarity Breakfast for this clip//7.45: Lana Laham from the Sit-Intifada on this growing resistance movement, the importance of finding community, and what actions we can and should take to fight for Palestinian justice and liberation. Join the Sit-Intifada everyday from 7am-9pm on the steps of Parliament in Naarm and follow them on Instagram @thesitintifada//8.00: Liz Walsh from the Victorian Socialists on the pro-Palestine motion that almost didn't pass at Maribyrnong Council and the importance of standing up for Palestine at a