Cleverly Changing Podcast

Lesson 105 Homeschooling and artificial intelligence



[INTRO MUSIC] HOST (Elle Cole):Welcome to the Cleverly Changing Podcast, where we explore the world of homeschooling, parenting, and education. I’m your host, Elle Cole, and today we’re diving into the fascinating realm of artificial intelligence in homeschooling.HOST (Elle Cole):Artificial intelligence, or AI, isn’t just about robots and sci-fi movies. It’s a powerful tool that can enrich our children’s education in remarkable ways. We shouldn't be afraid of technology. It is a tool that we should learn how to use responsibly, and the lessons around technology should be taught in an educational setting or within the homeschool setting. Today, I’ll be sharing practical ways families can integrate AI into their homeschool curriculum.I believe learning is about going on a knowledge adventure. STEM is huge in schools and today's job markets, so our children should be early adopters of how to train machines/computers intelligently.HOST (Elle Cole):Let's start with something fundamental—reading. AI-powered reading