Conversation Street

Conversation Street Episode 606



It's a bit later than usual, but we're finally here with Episode #606 of the podcast, where we chat about what went on in Weatherfield between the 11th and the 15th December (Episodes #11133 - 11137). That was actually a pretty decent week this week, wasn't it? And who'd have thought that the Ryan, Daniel and Daisy story, which we've been somewhat cool on recently, would be the reason for its quality? Daniel has always been at his most watchable when he's let his pompous, entitled and manipulative side loose, and we certainly saw a lot of that this week as he led Daisy up the garden path knowing full well that he was well aware of her bedroom shenanigans with Ryan. There were definitely shades of angry 80s Ken in Rob Mallard's performance this week, and we loved it! Also this week, the comparably low stakes drama of Stephen's journal led to a surprise callback to a nearly 40 year old story for Gail, and the goings on at Number 9 led to more brilliant Evelyn moments. Even the Stu storyline had a few interestin