Holding Space

61: Mom Shaming and Comparison with Certified Nurse Midwife Ailsa



Did you know we are wired for comparison as human beings? Yet, in the modern age where we have so much access to the curated highlight reels of other parents and access to so much information, we can sometimes find ourselves comparing our real lives to unrealistic expectations. To breastfeed or to bottle-feed? What should go in your birth plan? How much screen time should your older kids have? We have so many decisions, advice, and opinions from others to navigate.  In today's episode I am joined by Certified Nurse Midwife, Ailsa. I love this conversation because Ailsa validates the fact that as moms we each have a unique story and context. What works for someone else, might not work for your family. And that is okay!  If you would like to soak up more from Ailsa you can follow her on Instagram at @_happygocurly_. Did you connect with that episode? The best way to support Holding Space podcast is to subscribe and leave a review! Podcast reviews help us reach those who need it most, and I read each and eve