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Scrooged | Tale of the Tape | Holiday Fav #622



After tissues go off topic, Scoots looks back into the fragmented memories he has of “Scrooged” starring Bill Murray. What the world needs now is more tissue talk and aloe. RBG supports (and in her honor I support)- Friends of Hand in Hand - Support the Midnight Mission directly by clicking here. Join Orlando Park Stop in supporting the Trevor Project by clicking here. Start a 7 day FREE trial of Sleep With Me Plus- The ultimate way to listen to show, based on how YOU listen! Get your Sleep With Me SleepPhones. Use "sleepwithme" for $5 off!! The show artwork is by Emily Tat Support our AAPI community Black Lives Matter. Here is a list of anti-racism resources. Help to support the people in Ukraine. Going through a hard time? You can find support at the Crisis Textline. You can see more global helplines here. Wild Health - takes a proactive and preventative approach to healthcare, called Precision Medicine. Go to