Ask A Death Doula

Top Questions To Ask Your MD When Given A Cancer Diagnosis



Understanding and Conquering: A Guide to Dealing with Cancer What if you found out that you or a loved one was diagnosed with cancer? Would you know what questions to ask, how to navigate the complex landscape of treatments, or even how to cope with this life-altering news? In this episode, Suzanne shares her experience as a hospice and oncology nurse, equipping you with the top 10 questions to ask your doctor following a cancer diagnosis. She underscores the importance of having a support system, recording medical visits, and taking detailed notes to ensure you have all the information you need. She further delves into the emotional aspects of end-of-life care and decision-making for cancer patients, a subject that hits close to home for many of us. Through two contrasting stories of men with different treatment approaches, we unearth the significance of considering quality of life and personal preferences. Remember, it's your life, and your well-being should always be the priority. She also tackles the proc