Simply Abundant Intuitive

#739: 3 Steps to Loving Yourself: You Are Not a Project!



Did you grow up feeling you were too much, not enough, too nice, too cold, too sensitive, too shy, too annoying, too inquisitive, or too ANYTHING? Basically, instead of being loved for your whole self, did you feel like you were simply tolerated? Maybe you wondered, throughout your life, if people even liked being around you because those too much/not enough beliefs were always with you. So, to move from tolerance to love, you worked hard to prove yourself worthy of someone else’s company. And did those people (intimate partners, friends, family members, etc.) treasure you for the wonderful human you are? Probably not. Why? Because you didn’t treasure you. Self-love isn’t simply about spa visits, eating healthy, working out, or treating yourself to a new outfit. It is attention, connection, and awareness to yourself. And you cultivate it by slowing down, feeling your feelings, and choosing what makes you happy. When you love yourself, you have compassion for who you are, what you are, and why you are. And th