Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

How DEHYDRATION Hurts Your Thyroid (Drink THIS much water every day to prevent it)



Not drinking enough water? You may want to rethink that decision because dehydration has a negative impact on your thyroid! Not only is about 60% of your body made of water (making it essential for just about every cell and function), but your body also needs water to maintain the concentration of proteins in the bloodstream. States of dehydration cause changes to the functions of these proteins which can then impact your hormones (including your thyroid). Here are 3 ways that dehydration can negatively impact your thyroid: 1. Dehydration impacts thyroid hormone delivery. When you are dehydrated, your body will shunt blood flow to the tissues that need it most. This means that thyroid hormone will not be carried evenly to all of your tissues (especially those farthest from your heart). 2. Dehydration impacts thyroid hormone-binding proteins. Dehydration impacts the concentration of proteins that bind to and inactive thyroid hormone. This means that you will have less active thyroid hormone availab