Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

The BEST Hair Supplements Contain This Ingredient



If you’re suffering from hair loss then there’s a high probability you’ve looked into hair supplements. But before you go out and purchase one, there’s something you need to know: there’s a secret ingredient that all of the best hair supplements contain and I’m going to share it with your right now. What’s the ingredient? It’s silicon. What’s crazy is that this ingredient has been under your nose for a long time without you even realizing it because it’s often hidden as a different name among other ingredients. But give me a few minutes and I’ll explain why silicon is the PRIMARY ingredient found in the best hair supplements. Silicon is a trace element which means your body only needs small amounts of it and it’s because of this that it often gets overlooked. A true deficiency in silicon is quite rare but it’s not uncommon to not get enough. And low levels can and definitely do impact your hair, skin, and nails. Popular supplements like nutrafol and viviscal, which are used by thousands of people ever