Em Student

Building on Emergency Management Professionalization



Deciding when to get back to school, attend training, or get certified. Continued Professional Development or starting from the ground up it is important and fundamental to obtain training in the field one wants to become a professional. What is the difference between a job and a career?Links LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-scott-m-a-cem%C2%AE-empp-3-59a8a86a/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emweekly Twitter: N/AWebsite: https://sitchradio.com/our-shows/em-student/ Email: scottd7912@gmail.com AdvertisersTitan HST https://www.titanhst.com/Sitch Radio https://sitchradio.comThe EM Weekly Show https://emweekly.com