Em Student

Emergency Management Internships (Student Development)



It is important to learn Emergency Management through experience and education. Finding an internship to build that experience is important. The District of Columbia’s (DC) Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEMA) have developed a premier program to aid and develop students as they obtain their degree. As the Agency responsible for leading the planning and coordination of the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA) works closely with our District, federal and regional partners to ensure that the District of Columbia is prepared to prevent, protect against, respond to, mitigate and recover from all threats and hazards.Links Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HSEMADC Twitter: https://twitter.com/DC_HSEMA Website: https://hsema.dc.gov/intern Email: hsema.internship@dc.govRebekah Mena: rebekah.mena@dc.govAdvertisersTitan HST https://www.titanhst.com/Sitch Radio https://sitchradio.comThe EM Weekly Show https://emweekly.com