Em Student

Leadership and the Emergency Manager



This week we talk about the responsibilities of being a leader in the role of an Emergency Manager. Leadership or the lack of leadership will help or hurt your efforts as an EM. I promote the Emergency Management Growth Initiative (EMGI) and Lorrain Schneider and the Aspiring Emergency Managers Online (AEMO) group implemented by Brandi Hunter. You are only as good as you chose to be, enjoy the listen, and give me your feedback.Links LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6683787190016847873/Website: https://www.emginitiative.org/Email: daniel@emweekly.comAdvertisersTitan HST https://www.titanhst.com/Sitch Radio https://sitchradio.comThe EM Weekly Show https://emweekly.com