Dr. Lisa Gives A Sh*t

DLG337 Comedian Sadie Aznat is visiting America and stops by Radio Free Brooklyn for a session with Dr. Lisa



 Sadie Aznat is a A British asian comedian breaking boundaries with her insightful humor, thought-provoking commentary, and infectious charm. Sadia clearly makes her own choices. Like deciding when she was 19 that she wanted to wear her hijab full time.She’s a comedian who recently published a book: Love Bomb: Sadia takes the time to school me (us) in the realities of being a sex-positive hijab wearer. She’s doing a great job of eradicating stereotypes as we demonstrate by successfully eradicating some of mine. More about Sadia: Sadia co-created and hosted the award-winning podcast, 'No Country For Young Women', which tackles love, life, and work from a multicultural perspective. A writer with an undeniable voice, Sadia's debut book ‘Sex Bomb’ navigates the nuances of British Asian life with candor and wit. Check out her book SEX BOMB HERE Check out her website HERE ABOUT HER BOOK SEX BOMB: Sadia is a comedian who loves sex. She is also a hijab-wearing Muslim woman. The two are in a lifelong relationship, bu