Starseed Radio Academy

How I Think I Should Be Is B***S***



As a psychotherapist and a healing teacher, Eileen Marder-Mirman has met and worked with hundreds of professional women (and men) over the past 45 years. Many of them have struggled with not knowing how to fully express their authentic selves and live life on their own terms. If you feel that there is more to life than what you are experiencing, but just don’t know what it is or how to feel connected to yourself and others in an honest way, this book is for you.  You might begin, as Eileen did, by questioning everything and turning your beliefs on their head and inside out. By being honest with yourself and developing a real and truthful relationship with all your inner parts, you can begin to transform.  The paths may include such things as vision quests, gurus, psychotherapy, energy healing, creativity, plant medicine, and more. Each experience will teach you something about yourself and about the world. Each will be a portal into your truest self. Her #1 Best Seller, "How I Think I Should Be Is B***S***  :