Horror Hill

S7E10 - "It Came from the Pines - Part Two" - Horror Hill



Welcome to Season 7, Episode 10, of Horror Hill. I’m your host Erik Peabody, and tonight we’re continuing a story that we began last week. If you haven’t had a chance to listen to that episode yet, I would strongly recommend doing so. Tonight’s episode continues that story, which takes place in Pine Bend, North Carolina.  To provide a brief refresher of what’s happened so far, our story follows four friends: David, Brandon, Jack, and Eric. These four have slowly been realizing that something unnatural is happening in and around Pine Bend, and the situation has become terrifyingly personal. Tonight’s episode provides the next part of that story, which will continue for several more weeks. As we jump back in, I’d like to leave you with one of the tag lines for a favorite horror movie of mine, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. I feel that it’s particularly relevant as these events continue to unfold. That line, of course, is, “who will survive, and what will be left of them?” To watch the podcast on YouTube: http