Take Out With Ashley And Robyn

Episode 96 with Guest Billy Shore



Bill Shore is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Share Our Strength, a national nonprofit that is ending childhood hunger in America through the No Kid Hungry campaign. Bill founded Share Our Strength in 1984 with his sister Debbie Shore and a $2,000 cash advance on a credit card. Since then, Share Our Strength has raised and invested more than $600 million in the fight against hunger, and has won the support of national leaders in business, government, health and education, sports and entertainment.  Our track record includes connecting 3 million more kids with school breakfast, adding 40,000 new summer meals sites to feed kids when school is out and continuing to be a strategic grant maker helping kids and their families in all 50 states.   Bill is also the chairman of Community Wealth Partners, a Share Our Strength organization that helps change agents solve social problems at the magnitude they exist. From 2014 to 2015, Bill served as a Congressional appointee to the National Commission on Hunge