The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired With Signature Style

349: What I Have Learned in French Class, So Far . . . , Partie Quatre



  "On ne comprend jamais tout à fait une langue avant d’en comprendre au moins deux." It took 43 years for me to finally learn the French alphabet, and when I say learn I mean how to properly pronounce each letter, even after taking French classes in college and then again taking French 102 and 103 back in 2016 at our local community college. After sharing this with someone recently, they looked at me perplexed, but you see I never enrolled in French 101 as it was a fall course, and during the 2015/16 school year I was head-first transitioning into my new teaching position here in Bend, so waited until I was settled with my own schedule to explore French classes. Backtrack to college, as explained in detail in my first book, a similar situation; I began my studies during winter term rather than fall due to a shift in my life journey and needing to acquire the necessary prerequisites to study abroad in French the coming summer. With that said, learning the alphabet, and singing the French jin