The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired With Signature Style

347: How to Savor Christmas at Home, Alone, Simply Luxuriously



The holiday of Christmas is a festive time that arrives a mere one week before the new year begins. The arrival of Christmas stirs up nostalgia for some, angst for others, seasonal stress for most of us and a stream of quiet hope for perhaps nearly all of us that a Christmas miracle will occur. And regardless of what we imagine it to be as November arrives and we look ahead to the final two months of the year, it is a holiday capable of being exactly as we most wish it to be when we approach it with a conscious and loving heart and mind. Discovering and then honoring what brings us joy is a step in the direction for a most enjoyable holiday. Nigel Slater reminds in his The Christmas Chronicles that "many of the festival's observances date from pre-Christian times, and those who celebrate it as a purely religious event might be surprised to find out how much of the festivities hails from pagan times." The celebration of the winter solstice just days before the 25th, the beginning of more light