The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired With Signature Style

236: A Word to Remove from Our Vocabulary for Stronger Relationships - Should



"You should read this." "You should do this." "You shouldn't be wasting your time doing . . . " Over the past couple years I have been wrestling with the uncomfortability that piques me any time a friend, family member or even complete stranger states something including the word "should" in the declaration. And after much grappling, I discovered the root of my uneasiness each time the word would be stated/written with such ease from a speaker. Rather than motivating or inspiring one to act in a particular manner, it was dictating.  The strength of a civilized society is how well it effectively communicates. Defined by Livestrong, effective communication is the act "of sharing information, thoughts and feelings . . . through speaking, writing or body language to require that transmitted content [be] received and understood by someone in the way it was intended". The gift of a free society, of a democratic society, is that the people have choices of what they will or will not do. And while, ar