The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired With Signature Style

151: 10 Style Tips to Embrace the French Woman's Approach to Effortless Chic



~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #151 ~Subscribe to The Simple Sophisticate: iTunes | Stitcher | iHeartRadio "There is something about the French woman, a sense of freedom that must read and show in the way we dress." —Marion Cotillard No one has yet pinpointed when the allure of French style came to epitomize the pinnacle of effortless, chic style, but nonetheless, the flattering stereotype continues to be perpetuated and this post will do the same. Why? In all honesty, if you have been to France, you have seen it. You have crossed paths with the style seen in Paris that embodies classic staples worn with such ease and confidence that the woman appears to be on her own catwalk wherever she goes. Now not every French woman embodies the qualities oft associated with simple, chic, effortlessness just as not every American woman is intrigued by fast fashion and putting more in her closet (if you are a reader of TSLL, I am pretty confident you do not fall into that traditional American stereo