Grimes Family Values: A Walking Dead Podcast

GFV13 - The Walking Dead - S5E12 - Remember



The Walking Dead has reached that point in the season when it has to start setting up the new story arc that will come to a close during the first half of the sixth season. In Remember Rick and the group have had their time to process the events of Terminus, the hospital, and being out on the road so now the plot can start to move on and story can be told. The story for the last five episodes of season five looks like it will be the crew getting used to life in a new community that is safe. Unlike Woodberry and Terminus this new community is run by a woman, Deanna Monroe, an ex-Congresswoman. She welcomes the group by giving them two homes that they can stay in while exploring and figuring out where they fit, in this community. Deanna also interviews each member of the group, we see through a series of cut aways, in order to feel them out and determine what job she should assign everyone. During these interviews Deanna reveals this was a planned community that was built for rich people that was also in