Grimes Family Values: A Walking Dead Podcast

GFV12 - The Walking Dead - S5E11 - Trust Issues - The Distance Review



The Walking Dead - S5E11 - The Distance Mary and Jamie both agreed that this episode was way better than the last two episodes. Jamie still has his misgivings about where the second half of season five is headed. They also have a debate about whether Rick is the true villian of the show, a position that Jamie is firmly against. Read below to see what happened before you listen to thier take on their take on the epsiode. In episode eleven of The Walking Dead season five, The Distance, the group takes Aaron the stranger from the end of the last episode hostage. It's apparent that Rick has lost all faith in humanity and his level of trust for anyone outside of the group is pretty much non-existent. Aaron introduces himself to the group and tries to convince them they should go with him to the community where he lives. Rick just can't trust Aaron especially because he kept saying that people are his community’s best resource, which seemed to bring up memories of Terminus for Rick. He has pictures and fo