The Rich Roll Podcast

The Limitless Power of An Alcohol-Free Lifestyle With One Year No Beer Co-Founder Ruari Fairbairns



Through the years, I’ve maintained transparency about my journey with alcoholism—a label I’ve embraced in the solitude of self-discovery. However, this characterization doesn’t resonate with most individuals. The majority of drinkers engage in a marginally excessive indulgence in alcohol. While this behavior may not be catastrophic in the traditional sense, it does raise discernible concerns. The persistent hangovers, lethargy, and resulting melancholy it begets become tiresome. The desire to desist is tangible, but the seamless integration of alcohol into social and professional settings renders the prospect of abstention seemingly insurmountable. Today’s guest found himself ensnared within precisely this behavior pattern. Ruari Fairbairns is a former oil broker from London who—after a falling out with booze—decided it was time to put the plug in the jug. The benefits were so profound that he later walked away from his career in finance to become a full-time advocate for an alcohol-free lifestyle. Ruari, alo