Again With This: Beverly Hills, 90210

MP S07.E07: Buona Sera, Mr. Campbell, Part 2



Taylor having inconveniently gone into labor in the middle of a pounding rainstorm, the ambulance can't get to the beach house in time and Michael Jr. is delivered at home, to his two biological parents and the blonde lady so desperate for her chance at motherhood that she's ignoring every instinct a sensible person could possibly have and agreeing to raise him with the unreliable man with whom she first re-initiated contact last week. Taylor took her last moments as a childless person to INSIST that Michael and Jane agree to take custody of the baby...but she sure does seem crestfallen that Jane and Michael Jr. are getting along so well! Michael calls Jennifer to tell her she's an aunt, but she's still in the middle of getting dumped by a guy who doesn't deserve her, and when Jane finds out Michael was involved, she orders him to fix it. On the other side of the country, Sam shows up at the radio station that probably started immediately regretting having hired Jeff, and begs him for another chance. What's u