Be Love

Ep 28 Liz Bohannon: Beginner’s Pluck



This week we have Liz Bohannan back on our podcast. She has become one of my favorites, you know those people you can just sit with over a cup of coffee for hours and it still not be enough time, that’s Liz.  She is kind and passionate, and cares about others, AND she just wrote one of my favorite leadership books of the year called Beginner’s Pluck: Build Your Life of Purpose and Impact Now.  I would give this book to any person who wants to be a part of change in this world. She made me think of leadership in a totally different way, and gave me freedom to pursue something by just starting, not waiting for something to happen.  You hear speaker after motivational speaker say, “find your passion,” but she says things like, “ create your passion, own your average, and dream small.” Liz is passionate about others, and started an entire company, Sseko Designs, after her heart was broken wide open for women in Uganda who had a desire to go to University but couldn’t afford it. She turned their dreams into realit