Uncommon Sense

US#3-Why Podcast?



Why did this podcast start? What will this podcast be about? What can be new about a guy who's been dead over 70 years? We welcome feedback. Please call our audio feedback line at 206-337-9049 or write uncommonsensepodcast@gmail.com Tremendous Trifles is available at http://chesterton.org Life Magazine images are at http://images.google.com/hosted/life Websites: http://www.ewtn.com http://chesterton.org http://americanchestertonsociety.blogspot.com @amchestertonsoc http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-American-Chesterton-Society/127651102300?created http://www.musicalley.com http://www.thewordinc.org http://mrsnancybrown.blogspot.com http://uncommonsense.libsyn.com/rss If there's a topic you want to talk about, leave me some feedback. This show sponsored by The American Chesterton Society. Please visit us and consider supporting this work at http://chesterton.org/donate.html