Weirdly Magical With Jen And Lou - Astrology - Numerology - Weird Magic - Akashic Records

Weirdly Cosmic Astrology 5˚ Leo Full Moon | Feb 25 2024 | BRAVE NEW WORLD



The first Full Moon of 2024 and the first lunation with Pluto newly in Aquarius is a big one. You do not want to miss this as Louise ties it into the discovery of Chariklo and more. Wowza! It's a Brave New World. To buy the Tridevia Tarot Deck use this link  and the unique Coupon Code: TAROTLOUISE (10% off on all orders on our store) John Sandbach's symbols:- "Leo 6. Hidden photos of a deceased woman are discovered. (Omega Symbol) The past is continually revealing new things about itself as we grow in consciousness and change our perspective on it. You have the ability to shed new light on old truths, and to express taken-for-granted information in such a manner that it comes alive in a new way to people. You help others to see how the past has shaped their personality, and how it can be renewed and reshaped.The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A hamster running in a treadmill.” Here we find sheer impulsiveness and a compelling need to exert oneself. There