Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Naturally Increase Thyroid Function by 20%+ (The Gut-Thyroid Connection)



Want an easy way to naturally increase how well your thyroid is working by up to 20%? There’s a simple way to do it: by treating your gut. Your gut and thyroid are connected in several ways and if there’s a problem with one, you can guarantee there will be a problem with the other. There’s no scientific study to back my claim that treating your gut can increase thyroid function by up to 20%, but based on my understanding of thyroid physiology, I think it’s possible for most people. Here’s why: 1. Estimates suggest that 20% of circulating T4 is converted into T3 in your gut. 2. Healthy bacteria can bind and hold onto thyroid hormones allowing for recycling of these hormones instead of elimination in the stool. 3. Your gut is the site of the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients from both the food that you eat and the supplements that you take. Your thyroid needs these nutrients to function optimally. 4. It’s the site where your thyroid medication is absorbed. 5. 70% of immune cells live t