Various Thoughts From Dennis Shaw

Episode 18: Mindful History from Pastor France Davis



Our guest today is Pastor France Davis, a mighty force for God, Jesus and the church in Utah.   My introduction to Pastor France Davis of Calvary Baptist Church occurred very early in my time in Utah.  He is the embodiment of encouragement and hospitality.   Our discussion today is intended to help church leaders with thoughts from the perspective of a Black Pastoral Leader on Black History.  (February is Black History Month.)  Pastor Davis' resume is extensive.  I cover some in the podcast and pointed to here in the notes for his degrees.  Pastor Davis has degrees from Laney College (1971), Merritt College (1972), University of California (1972), Westminster College (1977), University of Utah (1978) and Northwest Nazarene (1994).   If this podcast resonates with you in any way, please share it with others.   Send thoughts to dennis @ mantuan . org -- copy that and delete the spaces (done to confound the bots harvesting email addresses).