Gcf Austin




Life Group Questions 1.  What is “The year of the Lord’s favor?” 2.  Pastor Ryan said, “So many Christians only experience half of their life in God.” They focus only on receiving from God and miss opportunities every day to minister to others. Described the last time you ministered to someone. 3.  Read Col. 1:27. People all around us have been devastated by circumstances in life. Their only hope is the local church (Christ in you, the hope of glory). How has your perspective changed since hearing this truth from scripture? 4.  Pastor Ryan encouraged all of us to “see people differently.” What did he mean by this? How does this apply to you? 5.  All people are born separated from God and have a God-shaped hole in their life because they are spiritually empty until they invite Jesus to be their Lord and Savior. Do you know that Jesus is your Savior? If not, is there anything holding you back from surrendering all to Him so that you can be healed and set free? If you are a born-again believer, who has God put o