

We hear the expression “I’m just going to go with the flow” a lot from heart-centered, spiritually-minded people, or even those who are just trying to have less stress in their life. In many cases, this is a stall tactic or an avoidance tactic. It’s an egoic defense mechanism – what it really means is, “I’m stressed out”, “I’m burned out”, “I’m overwhelmed”. Going with the flow is not always good on certain currents. If all you do is go with the flow, you’ll get caught in the crosscurrents or go over a waterfall! You need intention and you need to row, too. What’s moving many of us in many moments is a flow based on our shadows, wounds, coping mechanisms, defense mechanisms, and values conflicts. It’s all the ways we’ve learned to get by, to survive, to get what we think we don’t have and to not lose what we’re afraid somebody is going to take away. There is a flow, a current of energy in our life. But just going with that flow is not going to take us where we want to go. Once you are more deeply rooted i