Pierce Point Community Church

What We Believe - An Introduction



Reflection: As we delve into the significance of understanding and articulating our beliefs, consider the profound impact our convictions have on our lives. Let's take a moment to reflect on a practical example of how our beliefs shape our actions and decisions. Imagine you believe in the inherent value and dignity of every person, a belief grounded in the understanding that each individual is created in the image of God. This belief has a tangible impact on how you treat others. In your daily interactions, you are more likely to extend kindness and respect to everyone you encounter, regardless of differences. This belief influences your decisions at work. It affects your relationships, prompting you to build connections that reflect the love and acceptance you believe God has for each person. In challenging moments, this conviction becomes a source of strength, guiding you to respond with grace and forgiveness. For a church it fosters a community that loves one another, celebrates one another, and even cor