The Confidence Podcast With Trish Blackwell

#583: 10 Power Statements to Help Stop Caring What People Think



Ever felt like you don't fit in? Or like you're just different from other people and you're constantly wondering what "they" think of you? Or maybe you have big dreams, and have been teased for it … or you're worried that your success will make other people feel bad. Perhaps you haven't go after what you really want, or allowed yourself to be yourself because you're afraid of what "they" will think, say or gossip about being your back. You know you shouldn't care what "they" think but you know you're holding back in life, or from being your full self, because goshdarnit, you just want people to like you. ✅ ‌ FREE CLASS! LEARN HOW TO STOP CARING WHAT PEOPLE THINK ‌ Don’t forget to sign up for our free “How to Stop Caring What People Think” webinar masterclass at ‌ ✅‌ GET ACCELERATED RESULTS: Our next-level coaching happens at: ✅ STAY CONNECTED.