Valley 101

Why is the city named Phoenix?



When people think of Phoenix, they probably first think of heat. This goes for both Phoenix the city and Phoenix the mythological bird, said to have risen from the ashes after dying in an explosion of flames. The fire bird and the sweltering city not only have heat in common but the the concept of rebirth as well. When Jack Swilling stopped here in 1867, he saw opportunity for growth and revitalization — if only water could be found. Inspired, he moved his canal company to the Salt River Valley from Wickenburg, and crops came soon after. This early move launched Phoenix's growth. Now it's the fifth-largest city in the United States. Who decided this city should be called Phoenix? And why? This week on Valley 101, a podcast about metro Phoenix and beyond, we explore the origins of Phoenix's name and the man who gets the credit. Note: This episode originally ran in 2019, with reporting by Téa Francesca Price. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit