Charmed Life With Tricia Carr

346: Your Human Design, with Leah McCloud, HD Expert, Sacral Generator



Leah McCloud is a 5/1 Sacral Generator, Human Design Expert and Manifestation Coach with a passion for self-improvement, Leah is committed to guiding individuals towards spiritual alignment and the manifestation of their dreams.As a self-help enthusiast, Leah focuses on supporting others in unlocking their true potential through Human Design principles. Her expertise lies in helping individuals embrace their authentic selves. Leah believes that aligning with one's true nature paves the way to realizing dreams effortlessly. With her insightful guidance, she empowers individuals to navigate the intricacies of their Human Design, fostering a harmonious and purposeful existence.  Tricia Carr is a spiritual teacher, empathic channel, reflector 5/1, multidimensional medium, certified clinical hypnotherapist, animal telepath, and fairy realm whisperer.  Leah McCloud, Human Design Expert, joins this broadcast to discuss the transformative power of diving into your Human Design. Su