The New Stack Makers

How the Kubernetes Gateway API Beats Network Ingress



In this New Stack Makers podcast, Mike Stefaniak, senior product manager at NGINX and Kate Osborn, a software engineer at NGINX discusses challenges associated with network ingress in Kubernetes clusters and introduces the Kubernetes Gateway API as a solution. Stefaniak highlights the issues that arise when multiple teams work on the same ingress, leading to friction and incidents. NGINX has also introduced the NGINX Gateway Fabric, implementing the Kubernetes Gateway API as an alternative to network ingress. The Kubernetes Gateway API, proposed four years ago and recently made generally available, offers advantages such as extensibility. It allows referencing policies with custom resource definitions for better validation, avoiding the need for annotations. Each resource has an associated role, enabling clean application of role-based access control policies for enhanced security.While network ingress is prevalent and mature, the Kubernetes Gateway API is expected to find adoption in greenfield projects init