Beyond Shakespeare

305: The Hanging of Judas - Towneley (Fragment)



A full performance of The Hanging of Judas, an odd bit of text in the Towneley mystery cycle documents. It's a fragment only, the narrative cuts off, but we fill in some of the gaps. Sadly, this was one of the recording sessions which went wrong technically - I have cleaned it up as best I can, and added some background sfx for atmosphere, but some artifacts do still occur. However, it was such a good performance I didn't want to lose it. With Alexandra Kataigida as Judas, the host was Robert Crighton Our patrons received this episode in July 2023 - approx. 6 months early. The Beyond Shakespeare Podcast is supported by its patrons – become a patron and you get to choose the plays we work on next. Go to - or if you'd like to buy us a coffee at ko-fi - or if you want to give us some feedback, email us at, follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram @BeyondShakes or go to our website: https://beyondshakespeare.