Business With Super Joe Pardo

Does your product placement make sense?


Synopsis In a previous business lesson video I talked about hitting your target market. You can watch that video here. This week I want to talk about making sure your product placement makes sense (and cents). I went out to dinner this weekend to celebrate the 80th birthday of my wife's grand-mom. While at the bar waiting to be seated I noticed they had some beach volley ball playing on the TV from Brazil. When the competitors stopped to take a break on the sideline. Sitting between each team was a mini fridge completely jam packed with... [More in the video] Episode 336 Transcription welcome everybody to the business podcast where we hammer out amazing business lessons weekend week out whether it's with me or my guests this week's episode is brought to you by me super Joe Pardo my brand new book sales Holtz I had to look at the cover the sales won't save your business is how now on Amazon you can go to sales won't calm and pick up your copy if there's digital f