Business With Super Joe Pardo

Michael Mindes Started His Own Board Game Publishing Company!



About Michael Mindes In the winter of 2004, Michael decided to start publishing board games; he felt this would be a good way to channel his creative energies, work within his passion, and make a living. His is wife was 100% in support of him and he even had an extraordinarily good game to publish in Gheos, which was later published by Z-Man Games. Yet, as often happens with grand plans and schemes, life came along and changed his course in a fantastic way - his wife was pregnant with their first child. This was even more exciting than publishing board games. However, it threw a financial security monkey wrench into the publishing plan. Both he and his wife wanted her to be able to stay home with their children - that meant he needed a stable job with good income potential. Michael knew he could have the option to work with his father providing financial advice. He know he would be good at it, enjoy it, and gain fulfillment through planning for and protecting lifestyles in retirement. His wife would be able