Business With Super Joe Pardo

Chrissy Morales is Singing the Praises of Unsung Heroes!



About Chrissy Morales Christina Rodriguez, more well known as Chrissy Morales, is a television talk show host from Southern New Jersey. She was born and raised in the high rolling city of Atlantic City. Chrissy adopted a love for entertainment at a young age. At just 4 years old she joined the Puerto Rican Parade of Atlantic City as a dance performer and later competed in the Latinos Unidos Dance Group. It was at this young age she discovered she adored the spotlight. From this discovery,Chrissy's life long dream of being a talk show host began. As a child she made up her own little shows that she would host and perform for her family and although fun in nature it was obvious that a seed had been planted. As she grew up the world of entertainment only drew her in more and more. In 2005 she began to participate in Atlantic City High's drama club and plays. It was then that she landed her first lead role as Lola Cabana in Damn Yankees. This was the hook that sank Chrissy deeper into the theatre world. Upon Grad