Business With Super Joe Pardo

Frame Your Business For Success!


Synopsis I spent this week in L.A. working with Dr. Jeff Barnes on our upcoming book about Walt Disney leadership skills for kids. On my last day out on the west coast, I spent it with some friends and decided to talk about framing your business for success while on Main Street USA! It is all about presentation that is part of the marketing. The sights, the sounds, how things line up, the music, the smells, the feeling of emotional connection that your business or product gives to your customers AND employees. Check out the episode up top or read the transcription below. Check out the YouTube video above or listen to the podcast on iTunes. I hope you are all enjoying these mini episodes that I am publishing to YouTube. Please let me know what you think in the comments or shoot me an email. :) Shoot me your questions to Episode 263 Transcription Click Here 1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:07,259 I took a second to get going hey 2 00:00:04,259 --> 00:00:09,599 everybody