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Episode 322 with Michael Bracco: The Creator of "The Creators"



It's been literally hundreds of episodes since we had the pleasure of talking with Michael Bracco on our show. According to the internet it's been around 1,541 days which I thought would be a neat statistic but in reality it just kind of made me feel old so we'll drop the stats for now and get to the good stuff. Some people might be a little more familiar with Michael's alter-ego: the legendary Baron Von Sexyful of . But performing in insane bouts of artistic mayhem doesn't quite fully illustrate the scope of his talents as both an artist and a writer and some would be pleased to hear he's also been producing his own comics such as "NOVO" and "Adam Wreck" for quite some time. Now, many years and many more episodes later Michael is back and this time he's got a new volume of his webcomic "The Creators" that he's looking to get published and, as of this writing, it's looking like that dream is going to become a reality. Check out the Kickstarter and if you wanted to get caught up with the rest of Michael's wor