Business With Super Joe Pardo

Speaker, Author and Research Director Victor Yocco



Victor Yocco recently released his first book Design For The Mind! Victor Yocco is an author, speaker, and Research Director at a Philadelphia based digital design and development firm. He regularly writes and speaks on the application of psychology to design, as well as addressing the culture of alcohol use and abuse in design and technology. Victor has written for A List Apart, Smashing Magazine, UX Booth, User Experience Magazine (UXPA) and many more. He is the author of Design for the Mind, a book from Manning Publications on the application of principles of psychology to design. Use code: smayocco at checkout to get 39% off the cover price of my book from the publisher's website. The link to the book is: I talk about a ton of topics that have been burning on my mind this past week! Ally the accepting alligator Adam Brick Guy Thank you Card Something old is the foundation for something new. HTC VIVE Ask your friends for s