Tuesday Breakfast

Disrupt Melbourne for Palestine, Truth-Telling in Schools, Guidelines for First Nations Collection Description for Australian Libraries, Invasion Day 2024 and the Ongoing Struggle for Treaty, Truth and Justice, Punk and Politics



Headlines//7.15: Renee, an organiser with Students for Palestine and Free Palestine Melbourne on organising for Palestine and the disruption today that will take place at 4pm at Bourke St Mall in the CBD. For updates, please follow the group on Instagram @studentsforpalestinevictoria//7.30: Dr Jessica Gannaway, Lecturer in Language and Literacy Education in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education and the Language and Literacy Academic Group, on First Nations in Education, anti-racist pedagogies and the importance of truth-telling in schools//7.45: Tui Raven, Yamaji Nyungar person and Senior Manager Indigenous Programs, Deakin Library, on Guidelines for First Nations Collection Description for Australian Libraries// Guidelines for First Nations Collection DescriptionLaunch webinarFirst Nations Collection Description Training ResourcesTo join or enquire about the Reparative Description – Community of Practice (CoP) please email education@alia.org.au and include “First Nations reparative description CoP” in t