Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

25. Angie Netterville: Using Cancer As A Catalyst For Change



In this week’s episode of Stay Grounded, Raj interviews a cancer thriver who recently completed Liber8’s Precision Emotional Healing for Cancer program. If you or someone you love has been impacted by cancer, you know the immense physical, mental, and emotional toll it can take. While essential, standard medical treatments are simply not enough. Angie's story beautifully illustrates how holistically supporting mental and emotional health can profoundly improve quality of life and health outcomes.  In the Precision Emotional Healing for Cancer program, participants like Angie undergo a proprietary mapping process to pinpoint core wounds and hidden stressors that may be sabotaging health and wellbeing. They receive tailored support and practices to process old pain, build self-worth, and move forward with more resilience and joy. A few things discussed on this episode: - Angie was first diagnosed with a rare blood cancer (hairy cell leukemia) at age 41, then had two additional recurrenc