Superb Diamond Range

J.L Collins NH (The Financial Series) | #52 | Pathfinders: Extraordinary Stories of People Like You on the Quest for Financial Independence―And How to Join Them | podcast | superb diamond range



#52 Disclaimer: We are not financial advisors. The content on this podcast and YouTube videos are for educational purposes only and merely cite our own personal opinions. In order to make the best financial decision that suits your own needs, you must conduct your own research and seek the advice of a licensed financial advisor if necessary. Know that all investments involve some form of risk and there is no guarantee that you will be successful in making, saving, or investing money; nor is there any guarantee that you won't experience any loss when investing. Always remember to make smart decisions and do your own research! This podcast features returning guest and legend of the financial indepence world J.L Collins. 1. Firstly, since the last time you were on the show you've released a new book 'Pathfinders' please tell my listeners a little about it and what inspired you to write it? 2. Jumping straight into investments, what are your thoughts on bonds these days? In the UK and no doubt around the world